Welcome 2022

Subhamoy Chakraborti
1 min readJan 3, 2022

Wish you a very happy and prosperous 2022!

2021 was a tough one for most of us. It started with the hope of end of the pandemic but soon the 2nd wave came to torment our lives. We scrambled for Oxygen cylinders, Hospital beds and often calls ended in ambulance sirens. The ghost of the 2nd wave may influence our decisions forever in our lifetime.

2021 was a year of hard work for Techies. They continued to shine in the tough times, supporting the organizations to keep the show on, while innovating with new digital products. The challenge of supporting WFH while working from home is the most underrated achievement of the IT teams all across the globe.


Except the calendar, nothing much changes on the 31st Dec night. But the optimists would take guard again and resolve to work for a better world, with rainbows in the sky probably, like Neo is planning.

